Collaborating with a common goal...providing the most relevant mental health material for Student-Athletes

Dr. T - Sports Pysch
IG: @dr.t_sportspsych
In life, much like being a lacrosse goalie, we often experience moments where so many things are getting thrown at us and we feel like we can never control our thoughts, emotions or responses. Remember to acknowledge the thoughts, validate the feelings and create an action plan to Control the Controllables.
We CAN choose to control our effort in what we focus on.
WE CAN choose our attitude on what we say to ourselves.
We CAN choose what we want to appreciate.
In life, much like lacrosse, we can also choose to get support by communicating that we need help.

Morgan’s Message strives to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community and equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics. We aim to expand the dialogue on mental health by normalizing conversations, empowering those who suffer in silence, and supporting those who feel alone.

Goalie Support Team
Need to talk? Contact us anytime.

Christian Buck
Sports Psychologist
For the last 12 years, I've been helping individuals and organizations raise their game by improving their mindset. Through my consulting practice, Christian Buck Consulting, I've worked with professional athletes, student-athletes and executives on a one-to-one basis challenging their thinking on the field, in the classroom, and in the boardroom.